Vibrational Living: harnessing universal energy
I think I’ve always had an innocence in how I relate to the world, except for knowing I wanted to create positive change somehow.
And defiance, too — especially when people tell me what I can and cannot do. Call it naive, but I think I’ve always had that drive.
The reactive way of living feels rudderless as we try to stay afloat while life happens to us, bouncing from one drama to the next.
Challenging our assumptions and biases by seeking new information and perspectives is essential to develop conscious effort and a willingness to be present and engaged with our thoughts and behaviours.
There is a proactive life, where we take the initiative and use intuition to become the creator of our own life.
First, we look at where our decisions come from and how they are made. It all comes down to consciousness.
The conscious mind thinks freely and makes choices. The subconscious mind operates below the level of conscious awareness. It refers to the processes and information which are not in our immediate awareness but can influence our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. It can be described as a supercomputer loaded with a database of programmed behaviours, most of which we acquire at an early age.
But what do we store in our subconscious programming?
As the subconscious mind operates below the level of conscious awareness, it cannot be easy to access or control directly.
We can tap into our inner resources by harnessing the power of the subconscious mind. We can reprogram our subconscious beliefs and overcome negative self-talk.
The subconscious mind is a powerful and influential part of our mental functioning that operates below conscious awareness. But how do we transmute it?
We have all made resolutions to better ourselves or our life, with good intentions to revert to the old programming, so we know it takes much more than positive thinking to change our reality.
It comes down to consciousness or, more precisely, where we choose to place our consciousness, the level of intuition that Caroline Myss (author of Anatomy of the Spirit) calls creative intuition to rewrite the program.
No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
— Einstein
So we know that we have to move beyond our current level of consciousness to create change, to become proactive rather than reactive. And it is this move of proactive living putting the responsibility to change our reality firmly at our door.
According to quantum physics, we, and everything there is, are all made up of energy and vibration. There is a field of energy. We are all vibrating particles of matter, interactive sub-atomic particles, and frequency is how we communicate.
So we have the ability to change pure potential into matter by observation.
And herein lies the responsibility we have over shaping our reality. Where we hold our thoughts, for example, replaying an event, an emotion collapses the wave bringing it into our reality. We enact the idea.
The particle behaves under our idea. What we believe from a subconscious level is what informs our reality.
We must start living energetic, vibrational, connected beings rather than individual solid matter. The more joy, love and peace we feel, the higher we vibrate, impacting not only ourselves positively but also those around us. External factors no longer determine our response.
Look things through possibilities, not limitations. It has pure potential, and this knowledge comes with great responsibility.
We can create our life by raising our vibrations and reprograming our subconscious. It takes work. It is the meaning of being a proactive participant in our lives.